Travel Health


Our practice nurses are available by appointment to offer medical advice regarding travel and vaccinations where appropriate. Please telephone reception to book an appointment. 

If you are travelling abroad, you may need vaccinations or medication to prevent contracting diseases. Many vaccinations are available on the NHS and do not incur a charge but there are some which need to be paid for privately and these are listed below. If you need these vaccines, please consult a travel clinic where specialist nurses are employed. A leaflet containing some travel clinic information is available at reception.

Please be aware that we need at least 8 weeks notice before you travel in order to assess your requirements and adhere to the vaccine schedules. We will try our best to accommodate but if we do not have appointments available, you will need to attend a travel clinic for all.

Combined Diphtheria/Tetanus/Polio Available on NHS – no cost (1 dose)
Hepatitis A Available on NHS – no cost (2 doses)
Combined Hepatitis A & B Available on NHS – no cost (3 doses)
Typhoid Available on NHS – no cost (1 dose)
Cholera Available on NHS – no cost (2 doses)

Vaccination ***

Hepatitis B Not given at Surgery
Hepatitis B Booster Not given at Surgery
Rabies Not given at Surgery
Meningitis ACWY Not given at Surgery
Japanese Encephalitis Not given at Surgery
Tick Borne Encephalitis Not given at Surgery
Yellow Fever Not given at Surgery

Malaria tablets -  should you need advice regarding malaria please consult a pharmacist.

Select the region you are travelling to find out more or visit Visiting friends and relatives abroad: health advice - GOV.UK (


Central Asia

East Asia

Australasia & Pacific


Central America

Europe & Russia

Middle East

North America

South America & Antarctica

Further Travel Information

The following websites will give you additional travel advice:

Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS

MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice

EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card.